Medium Carrie Brown

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Clear Energetic Blocks to Intuition

It can be frustrating when you feel like your intuition is blocked or dull. So I'm going to give you some tips on how to clear energetic blocks that may be preventing you from getting clear on your intuition but one of the first things you can do is spend time with people who believe in what you can do. Take a walk outside or sit in the sunshine.

Meditation really works.

Meditation is one of the best ways to clear your mind and start feeling in touch with your intuition. There are several different types of meditation, so choose one that works for you. Try meditating on your own or in a group to see which feels most comfortable. You can meditate anywhere at any time; whether it's on a train commute, during lunch break at work, or right before going to bed at night.

If you're having trouble finding time to meditate because of busy schedules and family obligations, try setting aside five minutes before bed every night just for yourself where no distractions are allowed! You can even just follow your breath with an app that keeps your focus. This will help tremendously as it not only gives you more energy but also helps clear any emotions that may have built up throughout the day.

Diet matters.

  • Avoid processed foods and refined sugars.

  • Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and quality proteins.

  • Drink plenty of water. This can be done by drinking a glass of water before meals, or having a bottle nearby at work if you are thirsty during the day. Drinking water helps keep your body hydrated and regulates your metabolism so that it functions properly, which leads to better digestion. Having an adequate amount of water in your system also improves cognitive function, which can help you feel more alert throughout the day—and therefore notice more subtle differences when receiving intuitive messages from your subconscious mind!

Use essential oils that have an uplifting or calming effect.

  • Another way to clear energetic blocks is through the use of essential oils. Essential oils are concentrated liquids extracted from plants. They carry the energy, aroma, and healing properties of these plants and can be used to calm the mind, emotions, and body.

  • Essential oils can also be helpful in aiding sleep, relaxation, and concentration while meditating or performing other spiritual practices.

Keep a journal with you.

  • Keep a journal with you, and write in it whenever you have a gut feeling, psychic experience, or intuitive insight.

  • Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. If the dream is clear and complete, note all details: who was there? What did they say? What did you do? Where were you and what time of day was it when the dream occurred? Was there any music playing in your dream? Are there any recurring themes (such as animals or places) that come up often in your dreams?

  • When something intuitive happens while awake—and these things happen to everybody—write it down immediately! Whether it's learning someone is going through something difficult without having been told directly; feeling that someone has lost his/her job before he/she says anything, or having an "aha moment" about how to solve some problem by looking at it from another perspective... whatever happens--write down all of the details right away so they don't get lost or forgotten!

Listen to music that makes you feel good and uplifted.

  • A great way to clear the mind is by listening to music. It can be soothing, uplifting, or creative—whatever type of music you like. Whether it's country, classical, pop, or anything in between, find what resonates with you.

  • When you move your body or dance to the beat, your energy shifts to a higher frequency more quickly. Binaural beats are awesome too!


You can use many methods to clear your energy blocks if you want your intuition to be stronger:

  • start with meditation

  • take a look at what you eat and drink

  • make sure you're staying hydrated

  • use essential oils that have an uplifting or calming effect on your body

  • keep a journal with you always and write in it whenever there's something that happens that feels special or important enough for me to remember later (like an intuitive thought)

  • Finally, listen to music that makes you feel good – it helps so much!